260 Franklin Street
Alburtis, Pa 18011
Phone: 610-966-4778
Fax: 610-965-5517


Alburtis Police Department Founding
On January 28, 1915, a committee was established to provide police protection for the borough. A part time police officer was hired, starting April 1, 1915 and to continue for one year.

Compensation was established at $75.00 per year. Council determined that police officer shall be provided with all necessities pertaining to his office.

A review of bills for payment indicates that $15.90 was spent for equipment. The police officer was reappointed for another year on April 1, 1916

Past Police Chiefs
Chief Charles Hoffman ( -1971)
Chief Ray Fenstermacher (1972-1978)
Chief John Brown (1978-1982)
Chief Kenneth Solomon (1982-2005)
Chief Robert J. Palmer II (2005-2022)

Alburtis PD
©  Alburtis Police Department
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