Alburtis Codified Ordinances

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Master Appendix



Appendix 5 — Post-1981 Unofficial Additions to 1981 Code

After Codification Ordinance 215 was adopted by Borough Council to codify the Borough’s ordinances into the 1981 Code, numerous additional ordinances of a permanent nature were adopted which did not add their text to the 1981 Code. From 1981 to 1989, General Code Publishers Corp. printed unofficial codifications of many of such ordinances to the 1981 Code, with numeric and stylistic changes. Although these codifications and changes are unofficial, there were occasions where later ordinances made reference to them.

A copy of the unofficial chapters is provided with the online and CD-ROM versions of the Codified Ordinances.



Subject Matter


Reference in Cod. Ord.


Auditor, Independent

Unofficial codification of Ord. 256; material now codified to Codified Ordinances ch. 3

¶ 3-C


Employees’ Pension Plan

Unofficial codification of Ord. 234; amended by Ord. 246 and Ord. 262; superseded by Ord. 322.

¶ 18-D


Police Pension Fund

Unofficial codification of Ord. 247, which superseded previous ch. 18; superseded by Ord. 327.

¶ 17-E


Salaries and Compensation

Article II is an unofficial codification of Ord. 253. That Article is not included in the Codified Ordinances.

¶ 11-C


Drought Emergencies

Unofficial codification of Ord. 269; material now codified to Codified Ordinances ch. 73.

¶ 73-D


Flood Damage Prevention

Ord. 220 was unofficially printed and codified by General Code Publishers Corp. to ch. 68. The unofficial ch. 68 was amended and restated by Ord. 389, which formally enacted a new official ch. 68.

¶ 24-C


Hazardous Materials, Transportation of

Unofficial codification of Ord. 245; material now codified to Codified Ordinances ch. 68

¶ 68-C


Storm Water Management

Ord. 263 was unofficially printed and codified by General Code Publishers Corp. to ch. 107. The unofficial ch. 107 was amended and restated by Ord. 385, which formally enacted a new official ch. 107.

¶ 25-Q





Article III is an unofficial codification of Ord. 254, replacing the article III originally placed in ch 117; material now codified to Codified Ordinances ch. 85. Article V is an unofficial codification of the 1988 real estate tax levy; the real property tax is now covered in Codified Ordinances ch. 81.

¶ 85-B


Street Acceptances and Vacations

General Code Publishers Corp. made unofficial additions to Appendix ch. A144 after the 1981 Code was adopted.

¶ 53-C


Cable Television

Ord. 226, as amended by Ord. 252, was unofficially printed and codified by General Code Publishers Corp. to Appendix ch. A145.

¶ 69-C